GE Healthcare
>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Have you seen the new GE Healthcare campaign? It's a very engaging television campaign that not only stimulates and entertains, it sets a tone and character for the company that in my opinion is unmatched. The television campaign is merely the most visible part of the GE marketing plan, however, what lies beneath is an incredible innovation in healthcare, right online. Our strategic planner, Jacob Braude, would like to give you some thoughts.
GE just launched a new Web app that touches on two things near and dear to our hearts at SSW: wellness and data visualization.
They call it "Taking a New Look at Health" and you can play with it here:
You can select any two categories and a visual interface using color and icons immediately makes connections between things like weight and diabetes, or age and stroke, leap from the screen. The point here isn't the discovery of some previously unknown relationship between a disease and a demographic. That's old news.
The point is the fusion of design and data to create the potential for startling and powerful insights.
We're undergoing a sea change in marketing. Whereas data used to be scarce and expensive, as a result of the proliferation of the Internet and social media, we're now drowning in data. Who would have ever imagined that we could have access to hundreds of reviews of prescription drugs with a single click (!
Data visualization is the answer to this change, and as the partnership between our designers and our strategic planners better develops we will all be treated to some truly amazing and insightful projects that allow us to visualize and engage with these data sets in new and powerful ways. GE's foray is just the beginning.
Stay tuned.
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